Pop Attention Span

Trying to keep up with the zeitgeist

That’s some well-coded language

While the idea has been brought up many times previously, the door has opened to Nevada’s legal brothels to hire men as prostitutes. As with the currently employed female prostitutes, male prostitutes will be able to choose if they serve male or female clients.

However, an industry lobbyist has voiced his opposition to the business expanding the potential clientele.

“There should be some fallout and backlash from this decision,” (George) Flint said. “Some may feel it’s a repugnant thing to do or something that does not have the appetite of the state as a whole.”

“We’ve worked hard for years to make the traditional brothel business in this state socially acceptable an something we can be proud of that most Nevadans accept,” Flint added. “We have some concerns that this can be diluted by what Ms. Bobbi Davis wants to try.”

Flint went on to say that he’s proud of the industry’s track record in preventing the passage of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, between prostitutes and clients.

“Now we’re going to get into an areas that doesn’t enjoy the same track record that our industry has enjoyed,” he said.

Hm, now why would the safeguards currently in place not be effective for male sex workers? After all, the risks don’t differentiate if the professional is male or female, so making sure prostitutes follow safe sex guidelines shouldn’t change things. Oh, I get it, once you introduce teh gay, that all attempts to prevent HIV infection are useless because AIDS is a gay disease. Is that what you’re trying to say, Mr. Flint?

The interesting bit about Flint, however, comes in how the article describes him early on.

George Flint, the former Assemblies of God minister who has been lobbying for the Nevada Brothel Owners Association for 24 years

Strange bedfelows, eh?

Coded language isn’t new to the industry, as the article notes early on, the state only banned men from working as prostitutes indirectly:

Men were previously barred in Nevada from the oldest profession because codes specified that prostitutes must undergo “cervical” testing for sexually transmitted diseases, which ruled out men.

I’ve been to Vegas (where prostitution isn’t legal) a few times and the thing that stands out about “Sin City” is that the definition of “sin” has its clear limits. Strip clubs and the euphemistic “escort services” advertise everywhere but aside from the two major male reviews (or the inclusive Zumanity), you don’t see any of those ads with men presented as the ones to be on the receiving end of the gaze. You can’t even try to figure out which showgirl revues include male dancers among the cast by looking at the advertising.

December 13, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | , | Comments Off on That’s some well-coded language