Pop Attention Span

Trying to keep up with the zeitgeist

Cyndi, no!

[picapp src=”5/d/8/f/Cyndi_Lauper_begins_dd2c.JPG?adImageId=5846044&imageId=6812929″ width=”234″ height=”363″ /]

For the most part, I’ve managed to avoid The Apprentice, even when the amazing Miss Alli recommended the first “celebrity” edition. However, if Cyndi Lauper ends up a part of the next season of Celebrity Appentice‘s cast, I’m afraid I will feel compelled to tune in.

Please, Ms Lauper, I beg you, don’t compel me to watch Donald Trump.

October 16, 2009 Posted by | US Broadcast Networks | , | Comments Off on Cyndi, no!